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“Schubert’s great song cycles - a (near) beginner’s guide to performance”


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After managing to avoid Schubert’s great and thereby intimidating masterpieces of the song repertoire for many years, I was challenged to prepare all three for London performances and I took three years to do so. This is a personal reflection on that preparation process, discussing aspects of learning, presentation, and musical collaboration as well as the mind games one plays as part of solo vocal recitals.



Roderick Williams’ opera engagements have included for Royal Opera House Covent Garden La Bohème and  Peter Grimes; for English National Opera Die Zauberflöte among many other roles.

Among his performances of opera in concert are recent appearances with the BBC Symphony Orchestra and the London Symphony Orchestra. Roderick Williams has sung concert repertoire with all the BBC orchestras, and many other ensembles including the Royal Scottish National Orchestra, Bournemouth Symphony Orchestra, Deutsches Symphonie-Orchester Berlin, Russian National Orchestra, Academy of Ancient Music, The Sixteen, Le Concert Spirituel, and Bamberg Symphony Orchestra.

Roderick Williams is an accomplished and highly sought after recital artist who can be heard at venues and festivals including Wigmore Hall, Kings Place, LSO St Luke’s, the Perth Concert Hall, the Concertgebouw, Oxford Lieder Festival, London Song Festival, Howard Assembly Room, the Musikverein, Vienna and on Radio 3, where he has participated on Iain Burnside’s Voices programme. 

Recent recitals include the three Schubert cycles at the Wigmore Hall, recitals for the BBC and appearances at the Ludlow Song Festival, Oxford Lieder Festival, Three Choirs Festival and at the Bath International Music Festival.

For a full bio, please click here 

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