Audition Preparation Weekend. Just Fantastic!
Vox Integra's small group policy is perfect for the personal and individual development of each Vox Integra singer, or as we like to call them, 'Voxsters'.
On Friday 3rd November the Voxsters assembled at the Guildhall School of Music and Drama and were welcomed by the Vox Team. Some singers knew each other from previous Vox courses which certainly helped with the supportive atmosphere that we encourage on all of our courses. It is amazing how quickly the singers gelled and that is what being a Voxster is all about!

The weekend started with an introduction and explanation of the course schedule and also a chance for our participants to explain a little bit about themselves and say what they wished to get out of the course. This was followed by an upbeat switch on and warm up with Beverley Worboys who works with the singers in a holistic way, as do the majority of the coaches at Vox. Throughout the weekend, Jessica Friend was there to assist the coaches and singers with anything that they needed, as well as making sure the weekend flowed well by keeping a strict eye on time. Time can go so quickly and sneak up on us when having such fun on a Vox course!
Vox Integra believes it is very important that singing is a whole body experience, therefore a physical warm up is standard for our courses and in doing so it also has a positive impact on the singers in helping them to focus and be ready to learn. We are in a profession which more and more requires an acting singer, someone who is connected to their voice, body and the character behind the words and breath.
Next, we had a "do's and dont's" talk with Theresa Goble who has sat on many audition panels throughout the years. Her advice is massively beneficial for our Voxsters and a lecture in itself! Beverley Worboys spoke of her experiences, giving the singers a well detailed explanation of what a panel likes and is looking for. Our coach Morag McLaren stressed that "the most common thing musical directors liked to see in auditions is the singer having fun." Now, isn't that worth knowing!

On the Saturday 4th November, the singers all met at the National Opera Studio which is just the perfect venue for Vox Integra courses. The singers were divided into two groups, one group began their day in a workshop with Morag McLaren exploring audition experiences, individual reflection and character work whilst the other half of the group had one-to-one coaching and voice sessions with Marc Verter and Theresa Goble.
On Sunday, the fantastic Robin Bowman gave a very interesting and informative talk on audition technique and shared his invaluable experience. Robin estimates he’s participated in over 15,000 auditions, so he knows a thing or two! In the masterclass, Robin coached each singer with his inspiring and unique approach whilst the others observed, gaining invaluable insight from their shared learning experience... and Vox Integra don't stop there! In the morning, each singer had a stage etiquette, presentation lesson with Beverley Worboys while the masterclass was taking place. It certainly was an exhilarating morning. The course culminated with an afternoon of mock auditions with Theresa Goble, Robin Bowman and Beverley Worboys on the panel and Marc Verter accompanying. Each singer received individual feedback along with a general group feedback too.

The weekend went fantastically, the singers were very receptive to the numerous learning experiences throughout the course and for us at Vox we were impressed by the standard of the singers and great variety of repertoire they presented. From the feedback received, the Voxsters feel more confident and prepared for their upcoming auditions, which was our aim!
It would seem that we have many happy Voxsters!!! We wish them the best of luck moving forward with their auditions and careers and hope to see them back soon!